
You just can't put me in a box!

You probably could, actually. But you've heard the expression...it's like, when someone surprises you by saying or doing something unlike them, they say, 'You just can't put me in a box!" Meaning, basically, you don't know everything about them and can't assume things about them, more or less.

You know where I'm going with this. We can't put God in a box. Obviously. But it's true. Lately God has been really surprising me with the stuff He's blessing me with and telling me...things I don't expect.

Duhh, of course I didn't expect it. That's not the way God works. Just because I think something is going to turn out a certain way, because of my extremely limited experience, doesn't mean it will. God isn't confined to my expectations.

So, just a quick note and reminder..you can't put God in a box. I think He loves to surprise us and He loves doing things just because. Basically, expect the unexpected!


  1. Would that be "watch out!" or "isn't that cool?!"

  2. Katie, this is soo true! God is awesome this way :)

    @Pete: rofl :P

  3. Hahah Peter..maybe a little bit of both ;)
