
Humble Pie for Dinner

A quick snapshot of my recent thoughts:

For a while now, and especially since I wrote my last post, I've been thinking a lot about humility, and observing it (or the lack thereof) in other people. I don't mean to point fingers, and I'm not going to because I'm one of them, but so many people have so little humility. Part of it is our culture. The media and everything around us tells us how amazing we are, and how much smarter than everyone we are, and how we deserve to be respected.

This is all true to some extent, but we also have to realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things. Especially when it comes to God.

Part of the modern American mindset is independence - that I can take care of myself on my own without any help. But...that's just not true. We can't. God is the one who created us and died in our places. That means we're living borrowed lives. We are at the mercy of the All-Powerful God of the Universe, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. And fortunately, He loves us. We shouldn't just take that for granted, continuing to think that we're better than everyone else.

Our ultimate goal in life is to be more like Jesus. Or at least it should be. And the Bible says repeatedly that He humbled Himself to come live with us. ('Member the slug analogy? ;)

So shouldn't we do the same?
