

So, this was a Buzz post, and I did warn you that it may turn into a blog post in the near future. Well..here it is. This is something I've been thinking about for a while...basically, a very substantial reason (for me, at least) to always have joy, no matter what else is happening. Let's talk about it.

First, I want to distinguish between two very similar things, in order to clarify: joy and happiness. As one of my friends pointed out..how is it possible to have joy all the time, even when something really tragic happens? That's where these definitions are helpful.

I define happiness as sort of a surface-level emotion. You can be happy for one moment, but if something bad happens, it can change, and you can be sad. Etc.

On the other hand, in my mind, joy is deeper than that. It's more than a quickly-changing emotion. It's an underlying reason to be thankful. A reason to live, maybe?

Okay. That was helpful. I like definitions.

The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 to "be joyful always." In order to be joyful always, we need something to be joyful about, right? Right. And in order to to be joyful always, that thing we're joyful about needs to be always there, right? Right. Okay.

When I really think about it, God is the only thing that is always there and will never disappear. More specifically, His two biggest blessings: love and salvation.

It's so crazy to think that the Creator of the universe, the King of the world, and the One who knows your every awful thought and secret sin...loves you. He doesn't just tolerate you. Doesn't just kind of like you. He loves you. Seriously, you have no idea. Think about the person you love most in the world, and multiply that by a hundred. He's crazy about you. So, that's reason enough to be joyful. But God is so cool, He throws in another reason...

It Is Well With My Soul is one of my favorite hymns. I normally don't like hymns, actually, but I love this one. One of the verses reads,
"My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!"
Anddd that pretty much sums up the point about salvation. Just like you have no idea how much God loves you, you probably don't have any idea how many times you've sinned..or are going to continue to sin. But you know what? All of them were nailed to the cross right next to the God who loves you.

And that's a reason to be joyful.


Most cliche post ever.

It's funny how God takes things that I thought I knew, and teaches them to me in a whole new way. He teaches me things when I'm least expecting it, and somehow, it's completely new to me, even though I may have heard it all my life.

Where does beauty come from? The good Christian answer is beauty comes from the heart. Beauty is only skin deep. Blah blah blahhh.

As a girl, sometimes I fail to believe that. Or, even if I do, I'm like..why can't I be beautiful inside and outside?

(This is not going to be a post about me and how I worry about my appearance. Just bear with me.)

So yesterday, I was thinking about that, and God told me something: beauty comes from the heart. ...Okay, I knew that. But for some reason it felt really new to me. And so then today, out of no where, He says..."there's a big difference between looking beautiful and being beautiful."

Maybe you already knew that. But for me, it was really, really new. The statement can be applied in a couple different ways, but how I think of it is this: Someone can look beautiful on the outside, but you know, that doesn't really make them beautiful. You just look good. But what God said was true. Beauty comes from the heart. You are beautiful (or not) because of your heart.

You know what's ironic? I think worrying about outward appearance is one of the things that makes a heart sort of disfigured. I never want to say someone's heart is "ugly", but some things that can hinder beauty (maybe?) are jealousy, pride, anger, selfishness, etc. I would categorize worrying too much about what you look like under selfishness.

Obviously, everyone has some of these. You are never going to be perfect, and you'll always deal with sin. But that's not to say you can never have a beautiful heart. Why?

Well, here's the good news: Jesus specializes in beauty. He has the MOST beautiful heart. I believe that he enjoys taking sinful, grimy things, and making them beautiful. All we have to do is ask.

Honestly, I want to look beautiful. But even more, I want to be beautiful. And, luckily, I don't need eyeliner, a flat iron, or designer clothes for that. I just need Him.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." - Psalm 51:10


I've always wanted to be a secret agent!

Seriously. When I was anywhere from 7-12 years old, my friends and I would always pretend to be spies...usually spying on my parents (never letting them see us, of course) and writing down "clues" in a secret language in our notebooks, then running back to our secret hideout (usually a closet) and discuss what we observed.

That dream has passed, and I've moved on to different things. I still think it would be cool to work for the FBI though.

But do I already?

Obvious answer: no.

Surprising answer: Sometimes I act like it.

But not for the federal government. Nope, I'm undercover for Jesus!

Seriously, Katie?

...Yes. It's a new idea that God revealed to me that I am so ashamed of. I think I, and a lot of other Christians, act like I'm an undercover agent for Jesus much of the time. My real identity is Katie, the Jesus-follower, but aside from revealing my true self at Secret Agent HQ (church), I'm undercover, trying to blend in with the world, and hoping they all think I'm normal, making great efforts not to reveal my true identity.

Okay, obviously, it's not that drastic. I don't intentionally try to hide the fact that I'm a Christian or purposely blend in with the world. But I think we get on the verge of that sometimes.

The truth is, we were never, ever, ever meant to be undercover for Jesus. We are meant to be obvious, conspicuous, totally noticeable flames in a world of darkness. We were not made to blend in with the darkness. The world is full of grimy, ungodly things: do we really even want to be like it?....I don't. And truthfully, I don't think the world needs anymore grime and slime in it. It needs light. We are the light.

We only have one chance to live in this world, with the people around us, in the situations we're in. So I propose that we shine as hard as we can. Take risks, Jesus is worth it. (They say that faith is spelled R-I-S-K.) Live out LOUD. We have so much freedom given to us by God and our country, and I think we need to take advantage of it. Don't be a secret agent.