
Blessings Pt. 2

So we just got home from the Arkansas tournament yesterday, and I was thinking this morning about it and how truly blessed we were at the tournament and how I didn't fully realize them until today...

Background: So we broke in debate, but only past the first outround and so that wasn't too great. Then we broke in Duo and 5th place, but for some reason I felt like that didn't make up for the debate thing..and I didn't break in my OO, which I felt like I should, and on top of that I didn't get a speaker award which really crushed me. (I know this sounds like not such a big deal, but remember, I was running on about 6 hours of sleep and stressing and tired and pretty much at the end of my rope ;)

So I was thinking about it this morning, and I realized how much God blessed us and how little I realized or appreciated it...for 4 full days, I got to hang around my best friends, I met new friends, and I got to be with people who believe the same things I do and who love me. That is a blessing in and of itself. And on top of that, He also let us break in debate, which so many people didn't, and only by His blessing did we break in duo. He was also there with me every second of it, loving me and cheering me on. And that's the greatest of all. :)


Charging by Conduction

So there I am a couple days ago, doing my science, when I come across a definition that I thought was cool..

"Charging by conduction: Charging an object by allowing it to come into contact with an object that already has an electrical charge."

Yeah, this is going to sound completely Sunday-schoolish, but isn't that kind of what we're supposed to be as Christians? The electrical charge? You could almost turn that into a different definition:

"Evangelism: Charging a person by allowing it to come into contact with a Christian that already has the electrical charge (/love/joy/fire/whatever) of God."

I don't know, I just saw a similarity. I think as Christians, we need to be very aware of our actions and words, especially around non-Christians. And besides, God is always watching. :)

Well, that's all...I need to go re-charge my batteries.