
It's good that I don't always get what I want.

Seriously. If I always got what I wanted, and didn't get what I didn't want, out of everyday life, I would never get anything done. I would never meet new people, never reach out to anyone else. I would never take any risks or be challenged in any way.

It's the same with little things in life as well as the big things. If you asked me at any given time if I wanted some ice cream, I would probably say yes. But, if I wanted ice cream all the time, and got it every single time I wanted it, I wouldn't be very healthy. On the other hand, 2 years ago, I didn't want to leave the church we were currently attending. We did though, and the new church is where I met my best friends. If I wasn't forced to do that, because I didn't want to, I would never have met these people who have blessed my life so much.

Life isn't always fair. We don't always get what we want, or what we feel we deserve. But God isn't as interested in what we want, as what we need. I need to not have ice cream everyday, and I needed to come to Calvary to meet these people. Because the thing is, we can't look very far beyond ourselves. But God can. He sees the huge, entire, complete picture, in which you and I are just a small part of. Whether God is interested in our wants or needs, He's definitely interested in our greater good, and sometimes that means giving us what we need, even if it's painful, rather than what we want.

1 comment:

  1. How did I JUST NOW find your blog?? I kinda feel like I've been missing out. You have rather fabulous thoughts. Methinks I'll add you to my blogroll so I can read them more often. :) :)

    ~Beth M.
