
You know what I mean.

...I say that a lot. And sometimes, a variation: "I know what I mean." Haha, it's true. Sometimes no one really can really figure out what I'm trying to say but me. Since sometimes I'm less-than-eloquent with my words, I tend to give up and say, "Oh, you know what I mean!" And sometimes even then, the person I'm talking to..does not know what I mean.

So, most of the time I know what I'm trying to say, but what about the things I do? Sometimes I do something and then I'm like.. "Uh, Katie, why did you just do that?" But you know what? God knows why I do things, and He knows what I mean.

Psalm 33:15 says, "He made their hearts, so He understands everything they do." Think about that for a sec. He gets it. He understands the temptation of sin, He understands your struggles, and He knows what you're trying to say better than you do. Sometimes we, or at least I, think that God is so high above everything that He can't really relate to us; He knows all, yes, but He doesn't understand it.


Of course He understands it. He made our hearts. Nothing surprises Him. He gets it. And that's so encouraging. That's part of His mercy: He shows us mercy and cuts us slack because He understands that we're not perfect, and He knows how weak we are.

God is not sitting up in heaven with a stick ready to beat us when we do something wrong. Why? Because He made us. And He understands us.

You know what I mean?

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