
Secret Agents pt. 2

So...secret agents. I wrote a post on it a few weeks ago (keep scrolling down to read it), but God put it on my heart again today, with a slightly different perspective.

Jeremiah 9:3 says, "Lies, not truth, have grown strong in the land. They go from one evil thing to another. 'They do not know who I am', says the Lord." Uh, was this written in 2011? Because this definitely sounds like our culture today. I am no exception to this verse. I was reading it today and realized that this definitely can (and sometimes does) apply to me. But again, I ask...is that "secret agent behavior"? Am I just blending into the world, not making any effort to be different?

The truth is, the world has a lot of dirt and grime and slime in it. And whenever we sin, we're just adding to that. Obviously, I know who God is. You know who God is. But if we act like we don't...well, what's the point of knowing who He is, then?

Lukewarm Christianity is rampant today. As in, today, July 8th, 2011. And it was yesterday. And it has been for a long time. But that's really, really not how it's supposed to be. Colossians 3:16 tells us to "let the message of Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives." God isn't just supposed to be a piece of our lives. He and His message are supposed to fill our lives, every area. Completely. This isn't about being cool, or looking good. Honestly, sometimes it does make you look cooler to act like you don't care, or to go along with what the world is doing. But that's not what it's about.

God doesn't call us to look good or be cool. If anything, He calls us to be weird, and look different. At least, to the world's eyes. To His eyes, though, we are pleasing, and beautiful, when we follow Him.

Seriously, I'm tired of being an undercover agent. I don't want to keep pretending I don't know who Jesus is. I'm turning in my badge. Will you join me?

1 comment:

  1. It takes more than dawn soap to clean all the scum out there in this world!!

    God is to fill our lives like pizza fills our tummies!
    Except, God is WAY healthier. Even if there's a piece of a vegetable on the pizza.
