
"... But You have freed me from my chains."

People have always been really excited about freedom. People have always wanted to be free; I guess it's just something innate to human nature.

The freedom side of being a Christian is exciting to me - knowing that I am free in Christ always gives me a huge sense of joy? Carefree-ness? Um..freedom? Yeah. I like being free. And I think God likes reminding me of my freedom.

A good, simple analogy of our freedom is that we were bound in the chains of sin, but God broke those chains off. However...sometimes, whether intentionally or not, I think we pick up those chains, and put them back on. God has made us totally free from His judgment, from sin, and from death, but I guess we tend to forget that, and see those chains laying on the ground..and sometimes can't resist picking them up and putting them back on. We forget that God no longer judges us, and that it's okay if we mess up. We forget how broad His freedom and love are. This isn't something new. Paul knew how that goes. In Galatians 5:1 he says, "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law." Whatever restriction or burden we feel, it's self-inflicted. God has made us totally free from sin, and free from condemnation.

We deserve to be punished for our sins, but God took that punishment, and made us a part of his family. Sorry to bring us back to square one, but sometimes I think we just need to be reminded of the basics like that. I love Psalm 116:16 - "Oh Lord, I am your servant; yes, I am your servant, born into your household. [But] you have freed me from my chains."

Honestly, we deserve to be treated as slaves and servants, or even something lower than that. But because of His grace, God brought us way up, and made us His children. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, I'm not a slave in the household anymore. I'm a master, because my Father is the King.

So why do I keep subjecting myself to the chains of condemnation? Why do I keep reminding myself of my sin?

Admittedly, it's really easy to do that: to focus on the sin, and to tell yourself that you could do better. But you know what? It is finished. God already decided a long time ago that YOU would be His child, and nothing you do is going to change that.

That's freedom.


A person's a person no matter how small.

Why do I always have the need to blog when I feel a rant coming on? Maybe because blogging is just a way to get my thoughts out, or maybe it's because I feel like you need to know about whatever I'm angry about too. Anyway..I really don't want to rant right now, I want to pray.

Right now I'm writing a speech on a former abortion clinic director, and so I'm having to lightly research abortion, and I'm like..Seriously? How can so many people think this is an okay thing? Just go on Planned Parenthood's official website and you'll see what I mean. They proudly announce that they provide services that are "safe and legal", services that respect your rights, and that abortions are actually only 3% of what goes on at the organization. In fact, if you want to know exactly what kinds of abortions that are available, they'll tell you in a nice, neat little section on their website, describing to you what will happen during the procedure, always with the comfort of you, the patient, in mind. All the while totally ignoring (or maybe not realizing) what's really happening. All the while realizing that there are two patients in that procedure - not just one. But only one will walk out of that room alive.

What is going on with our culture!? I think we can talk about how sinful and evil it all is all we want, but in the end, that's only half of it. The other half is this: our culture is blinded. God has given everyone a conscience, but when that conscience isn't listened to, it gets quieter and quieter, until finally, it can't be heard. These people who think this is right aren't just lying to themselves: in my opinion, they honestly believe that this is right. But they are blinded. Father, take our blinders off!

Lord, wake us up. Open the eyes of our culture, of our media, of our country. Send a revival of life over us!


Another thoughtful musing.. (literally.)

I think too much. But it seems like everybody says that, doesn't it? Maybe we just all think too much.

Lately I've been reading about truth, and the knowability of truth, and different perceptions of truth, etc, and it made me think. And I thought too much.

The problem with my thinking is that I try to apply the thought to things I know and can relate to. (Like for example, I read that a + b = c? Okay so peanut butter + jelly = PB&J! Right?..okay, maybe not.) Reading secular authors talk about philosophy and religion and truth really throws me off. When they say God isn't real, I'm like, "I know God is real..but..wait..how do I know that?" and then that gets me all confused again and I start to think too much and the whole cycle starts all over.

(Note: to be clear, when this happens, I'm not doubting the existence of God; I'm more doubting how I know He does exist and I get worried that I won't be able to explain it to anybody if they ever ask.) I don't know. Maybe you don't deal with this. I don't constantly, but every so often when I'm reading the opinions of secular authors on God, or faith, I get a little bit uncomfortable.

So anyway, I was thinking (haha.) about all of this, and thinking about how powerful my God is, I remembered in the midst of all this that He created knowledge. He created truth. Actually, He IS the truth. Furthermore, He created all these people that tell lies about Him, and He knew they were going to come up with their crazy ideas and theories.

It's funny how when I'm struggling with something, God knows about it and takes care of it. Because I was mulling this all over in my mind, and God put 2 Corinthians 10:5 in front of me: "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." I don't know if you ever struggle with this, but when I do, I have to put it in perspective and remind myself who I'm serving. I'm serving Christ, because He deserves to be served, and my tiny little mind isn't going to change that. "No doubt restrains the glory of our God." I may think, therefore I am (I do exist), but it certainly isn't the case that if I don't think, God isn't. You know what I mean?

It's so easy to forget we have an enemy, and that he is fierce. Satan does whatever he can to keep us from serving God or glorifying Him with everything. Jesus said to love God with our heart, soul, and mind. I think sometimes we forget that last part. Satan loves to confuse us and use what other people say to make us doubt God. We also have to realize that when we do doubt God, or think things that are not obedient to Christ, it's not always us. As I said, Satan is vicious. And he is able to plant ideas or thoughts in our minds. Even if it us, though, it's our sinful nature talking - not the Spirit. Our sinful selves are (obviously) sinful and not always true - but the Holy Spirit we have living in us is the very Spirit of truth.

If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit has put His truth in your heart. Don't let the enemy make you doubt that. Take that thought and make it obedient to Christ. You have the knowledge of God in your heart and mind - don't confuse that or replace it with the "knowledge" of man.